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đź—“ Week 13&20 / 24 January + 13 march 2023

communicating ideas

with Kate Armstrong

who am I if not the one you see?

its sad, yet so true. Kate introduced us in a vrey pleasant way into the (to me) very unpleasant world of selling yourself and whatever it is that you are trying to be. we talk about stakeholders and audiences and I have to face my ignorance towards the important of type-fonts and coonsistancy in the use of them in order to be recognizable.the positive thing: this coures somehow really helped me to redefine my practice and what I want from the MDEF-course. to learn. not to be, create or sell myself of my practice as a product.

my notion page

Kate Armstrong’s presentation 2023-01-23


My goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can freely dream, speculate and imagine possible world scenarios without fear of negative consequences. I believe that building a sustainable future requires that we value the collective memories of the past and not be afraid to explore possibilities that transcend the boundaries of reality.


I believe to in the use of storytelling and empathy to promote understanding, connection, and a sense of responsibility towards the world around us.

I believe that amplifying (critical and speculative) stories can strengthen our sense of responsibility (ancestry) and possibilities (futurism) towards the pasts, presents, and futures, and that language and imagination can be used to make visible the interconnectedness of people across cultures and times.

I believe we can use language and imagination to express and explore the (human) experiences in the worlds, to provide a voice for the marginalized, and under-represented, and to make visible the interconnectedness (of people) across cultures and times.


a world where every person has the opportunity to express themselves freely and creatively, where different perceptions are encouraged, and where the power of language and art is used to build bridges and promote compassion and understanding.

I believe in listening and building on each other’s memories, both human and non-human, to create a more interconnected and compassionate world.

empathy=understanding and sharing compassion=taking action and being concerned with well-being of the other


I am committed to use language, facilitate exchange to challenge the status quo, question dominant narratives and power structures, and inspire empathy, understanding, and (social) transitions.

I am committed to holding those in power accountable, uncovering and reporting on stories that matter, and providing a voice for the voiceless.

I am committed to creating concern for the (more-than-)human others that make up our interdependencies, and working together to build positive futures.



a concrete implementation (speculative imagination workshops)

We think that the educational systems are not prepared well for the rapid and major digital transition that ways of leaning and teaching are undergoing. Through facilitating speculative imagination, we work towards new (impossible?) models of how education can look like in a far and near future. We believe that building sustainable worlds in the future means listening to the (collective) memories of human and non-human experiences and not being afraid of leaving the realm of reality.


I believe that (critical, speculative) stories about what it means to learn and teach will strengthen our sense of responsibility (ancestrality) and possibilities (futurism) to transitioning in educational contexts.


an educational model in which teaching and learning go hand in hand


committed to creating concern for the (more-than-)human others (that make up our interdependencies) to together come up with learning and teaching methods.

How can I engage people into my project? how to reach out?

the clearer I understand the person I am talking to, the easier I will reach them.

for that: identify the profile of people that I want to participate in my project

again: the clearer our target is, the easiest is to reach it. Kate Armstrong defines three stakeholder categorize to see clearly the priorities we should set: Vital to engage, Good to have on board, Courtesy to inform. There are stakeholders that are part of and there is the audience that will look at the intervention


the intervention I analyse here, is a series of workshops. “Vital to engage,” is thus a place to gather in. Mainly semi-public, we are talking to a neighbourhood house in Raval - ateneu de raval. Furthermore, participants are what’s making the content. So anyone interested (or not) to join the workshop. “Good to have on board” are special guests that are familiar to the topic of education and digital transformation - such as teachers, professors and more. The “courtesy to inform” are the audience of the ateneu (to engage them to come next time), organisations related to new educational systems and students and teachers in general. These stakeholders have different forces of action and different the interests. It is important to focus in our communication strategy on those stakeholders that have more force of action.
